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Multi-Channel Call Center Quality Assurance Software

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G2 Users Love Us

Easy to customize. 
Simple to use. Better results.

VereQuest's Call Center Quality Assurance Software is great for:


  • Large, multi-site, multi-channel centers and BPOs with internal and/or external QA functions who want to expand and/or consolidate call center quality assurance results and/or who need a system for managing the QA process


- AND - 


  • Small, single-site centers that are currently using spreadsheets or other rudimentary scoring systems for call center quality assurance and recognize they need more.

G2 Summer 2024 Results
G2 Mid Market Results
Capterra Results
GetApp Results

What Customers Say About VQ Online™ 

"We were pleasantly surprised at how quickly VereQuest was able to get up and running.  The VQ system is so flexible and easy to use that we can adjust our program in real-time as we learn, and our expectations evolve."

Operations Manager

"There is no question that the VereQuest customer experience monitoring program has contributed to our ability to achieve best-in-class customer service for our customers.  I would highly recommend this service to other companies looking to do the same for their customers."

Business Executive

"We started using VQ Online a year and a half ago.  I don’t think we’d be able to manage QA without it.   Not only is it easy to load agents who need call reviews for the month but we can also keep track of each Specialist's growth as an individual or on the team, and see how well their workflow goes on a daily or weekly basis.  There are a lot of benefits to it.   It’s working very well."

QA Manager

Simple Flat Rate Pricing.

A reliable QA system that supports most environments


($1000 paid monthly)​


  • Up to 50 users

  • Unlimited number of agents

  • Unlimited number of evaluations

  • 1 Program with 4 Channels (each with different scorecards)

  • Unlimited historical data storage

A QA system for those with multiple teams/ locations


($1500 paid monthly)


  • Up to 100 users

  • Everything in STARTER plus:

  • 10 additional Programs with 4 Channels each 

The complete QA suite including QA Management


per month paid monthly



  • Unlimited number of users

  • Unlimited number of Programs with 4 Channels each

  • Unlimited historical data storage

  • QA quota management tool 


Customizable Scorecards

VereQuest's Call Center Quality Assurance Software is designed to support any number of scorecards that you need to evaluate calls, emails, back-office functions, chat sessions, and more.  All are customized to align with your unique requirements.  Each with customizable drop-downs to capture specific areas of opportunity -- reducing QA effort.

Customer Experience Index

Customer Experience Index

In addition to providing a robust quality assurance score, VereQuest's Call Center Quality Assurance Software also supports a secondary (and separate) customer experience evaluation.  This balances the evaluation and helps identify what matters most to customers.

Customer insight

Customer Insight

VereQuest's Call Center Quality Assurance Software helps you easily find, listen to/read and share customer interactions based on a wide variety of criteria.  Bring the customer to life within your organization.


Omni-Channel +

VQ's Call Center Quality Assurance Software facilitates the consolidation of QA results and reporting across channels, sites, and touchpoints -- regardless of the technology you are using today.

QA data security


We protect your data and your brand as if it were our own.  See below for more information.  

Contact center quality monitoring

Self-Directed Teams

Team Leads and (as an option) their Agents are notified when a QA evaluation has been completed on one of their customer interactions.  They can review results, read coaching direction and see reports on their team's or their own progress.

QA Reporting

Easy Access to Data +
Flexible Reporting

A wide range of our most popular reports are available online for multiple levels within a center -- allowing you to spot trends and opportunities in real-time.   Plus, all data can be easily exported or automatically transmitted to your data warehouse.

QA Quota Mgmt

QA Quota Mgmt System

Quality Assurance scheduling and management is one of the most time-consuming tasks in a contact center.  VereQuest's Call Center Quality Assurance Software takes care of the 'who, when and what' related to QA Specialist work management.


Easy to Use + Update

VereQuest's Call Center Quality Assurance Software was specifically designed to be very simple and intuitive to use -- and just as easy to update, revise or change elements of your scorecard or set-up structure.

Preferred by Contact Center QA Specialists.

Laptop screen
Data security
pad lock

Let's Not Forget About Protecting Customer Data.

VereQuest is committed to protecting your sensitive customer data using industry best standards.  Given our work over the years with some of N.A.’s leading brands (many who are financial institutions), we have ensured our Call Center Quality Assurance Software meets the highest levels of data security.  

With this in mind, your version of VQ Online™:


  • is hosted in a high-security site in North America that is independently audited each year to adhere to PCI and SOC 1 compliance standards

  • resides on servers protected by high-end firewall systems (not an unsecured cloud)

  • undergoes regular data back-up 

  • is scanned regularly to ensure that any vulnerabilities are quickly found and rectified

  • uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption (e.g. HTTPS) for all transmitted data 


Features List

Download the

VQ Online features list.

QA Checklist

Maximize QA

Download our eBook to discover the Top 20 Quality Assurance Best Practices.

QA Resources

Outsource QA

Are you strapped for QA resources?  Do you want a new perspective?  See if Outsourced QA is right for you.

Take your Contact Center Experience to the next level with VereQuest Solutions


Experienced call center quality assurance support that helps you stay ahead of agent and/or BPO performance.



  • Free up internal QA resources

  • Leverage QA coaches with 6+ years experience

  • Unbiased, third-party perspective of quality

  • Unlimited access to VQ quality monitoring software


Contact center eLearning that equips frontline staff with the skills to handle the most challenging interactions.



  • 5-30 minute modules 

  • Customized to your company, industry and environment

  • Developed from best practices across millions of customer interactions

  • Flat rate pricing, hosted on your LMS (or ours)


Decades of experience in contact center transformation that improves efficiency and lifts the overall customer experience.



  • Senior-level consultants with hands-on experience optimizing existing resources 

  • Rubric/QA scorecard development

  • Customer journey mapping and process mapping facilitation

  • Contact center technology assessment including AI audit

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