Three years ago, very few of us could have imagined a world where most contact center agents would be working from home. While some centers were dabbling with at-home agents before the pandemic, the unprecedented shift to remote work in early 2020 looks like it could be here to stay. For most companies, it has proven to be very successful. While most organizations will likely opt for a hybrid working model, research is clear about the value employees place on flexibility and fulfillment in the workplace.
Keeping pace with change is not new to contact centers. What is new is that the rate of change is growing exponentially, and it's affecting organizations and the people who work in them in a massive way. Not only is there a need to manage the change itself, but most importantly, the impact constant change has on our employees. Dealing successfully with a never-ending barrage of new systems, new products, new types of customers, and a revolving door of management is not a skill people are born with. It requires our ongoing support.
Equally challenging is that, as self-serve continues to remove routine transactions from the queue, contact center agents are left with more complex, high-emotion interactions that they are often unprepared for. It may have been common to receive one or two challenging interactions a week, but most agents now receive more than two a day.
These are just three of the many high-impact conditions contact center leaders must contend with in the coming years:
(1) Hybrid work models
(2) Never-ending, exponential change
(3) The growing rate of high-emotion customer interactions
Amid this new environment, learning and development leaders have a vital (and urgent) role. Here are five common mistakes organizations make when designing their contact center training – and how you can avoid making them too.
Mistake #1: Not mixing up the delivery approach
Given the rate of change that contact centers must contend with, it is essential to recognize that learning can no longer be thought of as a 'one and done' approach but rather a critical part of an agent's daily work. Learning must adapt to the agent's workflow and schedule.
While technology-based learning has been growing in popularity over the last few years, it exploded with the need to move agents home. While some companies have been managing by leveraging Webex or Zoom to deliver content as they have historically in a classroom, others have embraced all that Learning Management Systems offer.
Best practice learning environments have adopted a 'blended' learning approach that combines online learning and interaction opportunities with traditional, leader-led classroom methods (classroom or via webinar). This approach is not only more adaptable to the environment's reality but also has a greater chance of fully engaging the learner.
Importantly, in a blended learning environment, classroom instruction and remote learning can each play to their strengths:
Classroom instruction provides a critical 'human touch' key to team building, culture development, and learner engagement.
Group interaction helps employees learn from one another, which supports knowledge retention.
Given that learners are face-to-face, working in a team/group setting is easier.
For work-from-home agents, system training can be conducted on the same system they use for their day-to-day work, making simulations more realistic.
Classroom delivery requires employees to gather physically, which significantly impacts workforce scheduling and the cost of delivery.
Given that the classroom is leader-led, economies of scale are essential; it is costly and challenging to run sessions with just 1-2 learners (even though the need may be there).
Given that hands-on learning is a crucial component of any learning experience, having a computer lab available for training can be costly.
Notably, classroom instruction relies on a person to deliver the content, who may (or may not!) be a high-quality instructor or be having a good day. The learner experience can be inconsistent.
One of the most significant advantages of online learning is that it drastically reduces cost (at least 50%) over traditional instructor-led training.
Classroom size is no longer an issue.
Learning is consistently delivered and can be more readily adapted into multiple languages.
The learning can be spread out to accommodate workforce schedules, with agents progressing at their own pace.
Most Learning Management Systems support multimedia (text, images, video) and robust testing, driving greater learner engagement.
Importantly, learners can be tracked and tested as they progress through the course.
Although the ROI is solid, initial costs can be high and set-up time-consuming. (Also see #2)
Online learning isn't well suited for every topic and can lack engagement without careful design.
If you are not mixing up the delivery approach, online learning can contribute to social isolation (particularly not great for a new hire).
While online learning is great for ensuring comprehension, careful consideration must be given to evaluating competency.
Example of a Blended Call Center Training Approach
The key to creating a successful learning journey is to leverage a wide variety of channels and techniques that give the learner a view into the actual job experience. For example, your new hire training may look something like this:
→ Welcome / Intro to Company – Live Webinar or In-Person Classroom
→ Soft Skills – e-Learning
→ Product Knowledge (Basic) – e-Learning
→ Roleplaying - Telephone
→ Spend time in the field (branch, clinic, store)
→ Spend time on the phones (simple queue)
→ Product Knowledge (Advanced) – Classroom or Webinar
→ Policies, Procedures, Advanced Systems – Classroom or Webinar
→ Final Comprehension Testing – e-Learning
→ Final Competency Testing / Roleplaying – Telephone
Designing content is much more efficient when doing it in a way that addresses both online learning and classroom instruction. For example, you may have a group of 20 new hires that you will want to train all at once (blended learning). Two weeks later, you may need to train just three individuals, and you can't wait for the next training session (predominantly online learning with a peer coach). Or, you may have a classroom of in-person learners with one or two virtual agents (present in-person while live-streaming to remote learners). Flexibility in learning delivery will become even more critical over time.
Mistake #2: Using Generic Content
Many organizations have purchased call center training off-the-shelf that leverages generic content and examples to bring online learning into contact centers on a tight budget and even tighter timeline. While this is better than having no online learning at all, it can derail your learning efforts. If you want agents to retain the knowledge, then the learning content needs to align as closely as possible with the actual environment they will be working in.
VereQuest's e-learning modules for Contact Centers makes it easy to deliver a customized feel at a fraction of the cost / time.
Contact center agents have a lot to remember and learn. Introducing customer service skills that may work well in a face-to-face retail setting won't always translate well into a contact center. Likewise, hearing examples from a banking environment can only confuse an agent who works in healthcare or home services.
Customizing learning content doesn't mean you have to spend time and money developing everything from scratch. Off-the-shelf learning modules for contact centers can be customized to include examples from your actual environment – at a fraction of the cost and time associated with custom development. Ongoing, these same modules can be easily updated as products, and the customer environment shift over time.
Mistake #3: Not Testing for Competency
Many contact center courses test only for comprehension. For example, agents may leave the course with an understanding of why empathy is essential and be able to recite the key steps to introducing it into a conversation. Still, they may struggle to transition from theory to practical by appropriately empathizing with an upset caller in a real-life situation.
Conversely, competency-based learning focuses on the agent's ability to demonstrate the skill. Without competency testing, contact center agents practice their skills on real, live customers!
Robust roleplaying, coupled with real-time coaching, is an excellent way for agents to flex their skills and feel comfortable making mistakes. You may want to start with peer-to-peer roleplaying, but it always helps to raise the bar by engaging a third party (potentially using actors) to give them a real sense of what they will be facing. Safely practicing via roleplaying is particularly important when mastering high-emotion scenarios like managing irate callers or complex problem-solving.
Mistake #4: Failing to Reinforce Learning
We all share the frustration of completing a training session with our teams only to hear agents revert to their old ways within hours! We have found that there are three reasons why an agent doesn't demonstrate the behaviors that we ask of them: (1) They don't know how (2) They have forgotten, and (3) They don't want to! Reinforcing training and the skills agents learn addresses the most common reason we see in contact centers – they have forgotten.
The "forgetting curve", developed by psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in the 1800s, demonstrates how quickly memory retention drops after learning new information. His research suggests that people forget approximately 50 percent of what they have learned within just one hour and 70 percent within 24 hours. Within 30 days, that amount of forgetting increases to 90 percent.

Leverage e-Learning to reinforce skills long after the initial training has occurred.
Ensuring learning content is both engaging and relevant goes hand-in-hand with reinforcement in helping learners retain knowledge after training. Here are some things to consider:
Expand your new hire learning curriculum over a more extended period, enabling learners to absorb the information.
Introduce a 'nesting' period in the middle of training, during which agents have the opportunity to use what they have learned in a live (albeit controlled) environment.
Repetition. Use the language, models, and approaches consistently and frequently.
Leverage microlearning for reinforcing, reminding, and re-engaging agents. Microlearning modules are designed for immediate consumption, typically from 3 to 10 minutes in length. These brief and direct modules reinforce and remind us what has been learned the moment an issue has been detected (e.g., when a shortfall is detected in QA or following a coaching session). They are short enough to be reviewed during periods of lower volume and provide a simple reminder that lifts performance immediately.
Mistake #5 – Failing to Monitor Behavior after Training
The key to reinforcing training over the long term is ongoing and needs to be well-support with regular quality monitoring and coaching. We often compare contact center agent skills to a game of 'whac-a-mole.' No sooner do we feel that an agent has learned the skill and is consistently demonstrating it than when another poor behavior pops up. We address that, and then the initial issue rears its head again! The reality is that nothing short of regular and ongoing quality monitoring followed up with coaching will address consistency. And without consistency, it won't be easy to progress to more sophisticated skills and reliably deliver a great customer experience.
Many organizations intensify quality monitoring, feedback, and coaching for new hires following formal training and whenever there is a critical policy/procedure change. The key is to detect the behavior that needs to be corrected as soon as possible before it becomes an embedded habit that is more difficult to correct.
As the future of work changes how we all work, how we support contact center agents must also change. Like most things, the most successful approach will not be all or nothing. Instead, it will be a blend of the best of human engagement and technology support. The pace of change and increased uncertainty have caused many contact center agents to struggle. For many, without the support of their peer sitting at the desk next to them, they feel isolated and bewildered. It is no surprise that contact center employees keep their eyes open for other opportunities that may be better aligned with their well-being and purpose.
Given all this, the role of learning and development within the contact center must evolve at a rapid pace. While L&D professionals may be primarily responsible for developing and delivering great learning content, there is a need for a more significant leadership role in shaping the contact center's future.
From helping agents master the skills they need to manage complex customer relationships to introducing skills to help them be more adaptable and flexible. From critical thinking and complex problem-solving to coaching and management development. Learning and development must be at the foundation of every contact center's strategic plan and help to lead the way.

Since 2002, VereQuest has been helping companies of all sizes develop, manage, and support Quality Assurance and Training programs.
Leverage our library of best practice learning modules to build a contact center performance program that sustains performance and lifts employee engagement. Contact us for a no-obligation review of our online learning and a discussion about what is possible. Call 1-866-920-2011 or contact us!